Two characteristics we can find in these peoms are the love of nature and internal reflection. Wordsworth considers XXXXXX XX be a wellspring XX XXXXXXX, XXX XXXXXX in "Tintern Abbey" XXXX "XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX the heart XXXX XXXXXXXXX her". XX XXXXX XX XXX XXXX XXXX in "The World is XXX XXXX XXXX Us" he feels XXXX XXXXXXXXX of correspondence XXXX regards to XXXXXX, it was one XX XXX XXXX XXXXXX; even in XXXX XXXX he yearns to XX an agnostic, so XX to all XXX XXXX likely love XXXXXX. Then again, "I XXXXXXXX Lonely XX a XXXXX" shows Wordsworth peering inside XXXXXXX so XX XX XXXXXXXX comfort in XXX XXXXXXXX of XXXXXX, XXXX what he XXXX in "Tintern Abbey"; XXXX XXXXXXXX inner XXXX XXX a XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XX Romantic poetry.
XX the XXXX "XXXXXXXXXX" XX XXXXX XXXXXX Shelley, how are the XXXXX XX XXX pedestal XX Ozymandias's statue XXXXXX?
XXXXXXXXX to XX perspective the words XXX ironic XX the state of XXXXXXX XX in opposition XX what one anticipates XXXX understanding XXXX – XXXXX XX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXX' XXXXXXXX, simply XXXX XXX level sands XXXX XXXXXX far XXXX. The XXXXX on the XXXXXXXX XX XXX Ozymandis’ statue in XXXXX XXXXXX Shelley’s poem “Oyzmandis” XXX:
Look XX XX Works, ye XXXXXX, and XXXXXXX!” XX clarify the irony XX the XXXXX on the XXXXXXXX od XXXXXXXXX' statue, XXX XXXX definition (use) is XXXX it speaks XX the "XXXXXXXXX or an XXXXXXXX XXXX appears to XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX in opposition XX XXXX one expects and XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXX entertaining subsequently." XXX XXXXX of the XXXXX on the pedestal is achieved XX XXXXX that follow:
“Nothing XXXXXX XXXXXXX. Round XXX decay
XX XXXX colossal Wreck, XXXXXXXXX and bare
The XXXX and XXXXX sands XXXXXXX XXX away.”
These XXXXX XXXXX XX that XXXXXXXXX is in opposition to XXXX one expects – there is nothing XX XXXXXXXXX' strength, simply XXXXXXXX and XXXXX XXXXX that starch XXX XXXX. Shelly XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX to underscore XXX XXXX's self-XXXXXXXX to significance and XX show their XXXXXXXXXXX decrease.