Title: Globalization should be regulatedThesis: Globalization should be regulated and controlled because even though the income of multinationals has increased, it has led to an increase XX XXXXXXX countries inequalities, and between countries XXXXXXXXXXXX.I XXXXXXXXXXXX X. XXXXXXXXXX information XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX. X. XXXXXX XXXXXXXX.II. XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX increased disparities in salaries XXX salaries of skilled workers XXXX increased fast 1. The XXXXX XXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXX of executives 2. Skill-XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX. 3. XXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX communication. X The salaries of XXX skilled XXXXXXX has declined 1. XXXXXXXX of unskilled jobs XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX. 2. XXXXXXXXXXXX of poor in factories in XXXXXXXX countries. X. XXX XXXXX XXX in these XXXXXXXXX to attract FDI X XXXXX XX skill-XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX and XXXXXX trade.XXX. Globalization has led XX an increase XX XXXXXX-country inequality. A XXXXX XX an expansion XX XXXXX abundant XXXXXXXXXX 1. XXXX intensive XXX XX skilled XXXXX X. Low XXX of XXXXXXXXX XXXXX X XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX also XXXXX is XXXX demand for skilled XXXXXXX. 1. Low XXXXXX XXX skilled XXXXX in developed XXXXXXXXX. 2. XXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX labor in XXXXXXXXX countries. X. Low XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX XX off-shoring in developed countries.XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX has XXX to an increase in specialization and XXXXX XXX XXXXXX XX controlled. X Specialization XXX XXX led to XXXXXX standards of living for everyone. X. XX has increased XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX 2. It has changed XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX B Specialization XXX XXX to higher XXXXXXXXXXXX in developing XXXXXXXXX.V. XXXXXXXXXX A. X XXXXXXX of XXX arguments XX presented.ReferencesXXXX, X. (XXXX). Globalization-XX XXXXX-XXXXXXX and the growth prospects XX nations. XXX World Bank.Helpman, E. (XXXX). Globalization-and wage XXXXXXXXXX (No. w22944). XXXXXXXX XXXXXX of Economic XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX, X. (XXXX). Back to XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX: XXX XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX XX Wealth-XXX Income in XXXXXXX: The Growing Inequality XX XXXXXX and Income in XXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXX.Maskin, X. (XXXX). Why-Haven't XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX?. XXX XXXXX Bank Economic Review, 29(XXXXXXX), XXX-XXX.