XX, to XXXXXXXXX the type of XXX XXXXX graph i.e. whether it's an Euler path or XXXXX circuit, XX'll XXXXX XXXX path formation moving over XXX XXXXX only XXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX the XXXXXXXX and ending XXXX is same or not.
XX'll XXXX the XXXX in order XX XXXXXXX:
1(XXXXX) - X - X- 3 - X - X - XX - 10 - X - XX - XX - 8 - XX - 14 - 13 - 19 - XX - XX - 20 - XX - XX - XX - 17 - XX - X - 1 (XXX)
Since, the XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX vertex XXX XXXX, XXX XXXXX XX an Euler circuit.
X video has been attached to give illustrative XXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX path formation of XXX XXXXXXXX.
XXXX XXXXXX XXinefficient, i.e., takes a XXX of time. XXX XXXXXX XX XXXX XX XX XXXX a XXXXXXXX graph, with N vertices then XXXXX XXX (N-X)! circuits XX XXXX, XXXXXXXXX the XXXXXX, and then select the smallest XXXX. XXXX if we cut this XXXX XXXXXX XX (N-X)! by XXXX, XXXXX for N XX small XX 28, XXX XXXX it takes XXXX the fastest XXXXXXXXX of XXX day XXXXXXX-Forceis XXXXXX than the age XX XXX universe.Thus, XX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX method XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX then X.