(Taken XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXX://XXX.investopedia.XXX/terms/o/XXXXXXXXX.asp)
Thus, XXXXX are XXXXX important XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX of an oligopoly: [X] the industry should XX dominated by a XXXXX XXXXXX of XXXXX, [2] firms sell XXXXXX identical products, XXX [3] there are high barriers to entry.
One oligopolistic industry XX XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX industry. We have XXXX XXXX providers: Verizon, Sprint, At&X, XXX XXXXXXX. There may be XXXXX, smaller XXXXXXXXX, XXX XXXXX XXXX definitely have the market cornered. XXX XX government regulations, it is XXXX XXXXXXXXX XXX a XXXX XX enter this XXXXXX. As one XXXX XXXXX a XXXX (XXXXXXXX price, offering a new service XXXXXXX), the XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX in order to XXXXXXXX profitability.
Taking a XXXX at XXXXXXXXXXX, it XXXXXXX XXXXX that one of XXX XXXXX in XXX XXXXXXXXX is offering XXXX XXX XXXXXXX or a XXXXXXXXX, cheaper bundle. XX you XXXXXX, XXXX XXX XXXXX company XXXXXX a new XXXX, XXX others also seem XX XXXXXX XXXX.