As a XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX for EBP, I XXXX XXXXXX XX the whole explanation or back XXXXX on XXX XXXX XXX XXXXX member say something like that. XX XX able XX sell XXX in XXX workplace, it is XXXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXXX XXX staff XXX in XXX process XX EBP adoption. To XX so, I should XXXX XXX XXXXXXX on what could XX facilitators XXX XXXXXXXX XX XXXX-blown EBP adoption. After XXXX, I XXXX XXXXXXXXX an XXXXXXXXXXX program to equip the staff XXX things they need XX know XXX EBP. This way, XXX XXXXX, XXXXXXXXX the XXX who is adverse XX EBP, XXXX XX XXXXXXXX in the whole process and they will XXX XX XXXX XXXXXXX and more XXXXXXXXX of XXX XXXXXX (Shafer, XXXXXXXXX, Green, Chen XXX, XXXXXXX, and XXX, XXXX).
XXXXXXXX,L., & XXXXXX,X. (2016). XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX for Nursing Student XXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXX-XXXXX Practice: A Delphi XXXXX.XXXXXXX XX XXXXXXX Education,55(X), XXX-341. doi:XX.3928/XXXXXXXX-20160516-06
Shaffer,S.T., Zarnowsky,C.D., XXXXX,R.X., XXXX XXX,X., Holtzer,B.X., & XXX,E.X. (XXXX). Strategies XXXX Bedside Nurse Perspectives in XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX-XXXXX XXXXXXXX Projects XX Improve XXXX.XXXXXXX XXXXXXX of North America,XX(2), XXX-XXX. doi:10.1016/X.XXXX.XXXX.01.XXX