check the link, they are connected to each other.
Hamlet Soliloquy Template
Step 1: Choose the theme you are writing. The theme must be one of the ones discussed in class in relation to Hamlet.
Possible Themes (this is not an exhaustive list)
1. Life/Death
2. Guilt
3. Revenge
4. Morality
5. The consequence of action
6. Fear
7. Father and Sons, Parents and Children
8. “Rotten” things
Step 2: Choose from the four “styles” of soliloquies.
1. Internal debate
2. Answering a rhetorical question
3. View of oneself
4. View of the world
Step 3- Choose 2-3 quotes that you want to integrate from Hamlet into your own writing.
Hamlet quotes:
Step 4- Draft an outline of your soliloquy using the plan below.
Open your soliloquy with a controlling idea and introduction of your theme.
I want _______________________,
I fear ________________________,
I need ________________________.
Imagery (word picture) of how you feel when you consider this idea.
Metaphor/Simile that highlights the complexity of the issue.
Ask a question of yourself/the world/the intended audience.
I worry _________________
I think __________________
I confess _________________
Allusion to outside reference that connects to how you’re feeling.
I realize ________________
I will now ______________________
Metaphor/Simile that closes your ideas