Asch’s experiment XXXXXXXXXX the XXXX that XXXXXX XXXX change their XXXXXXXX, or conforms in order to feel XXXXXXXX and XXXX XX a XXXXX. XX appears XXXX XXXXX behavior XX based on situationism because we XXX XXXXXX beings and belonging to groups XX people, whether XXXXXX or friends, XX a XXXXX XXXX. There XX a XXXXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX. XXXXX, (2014) states “allowing XXX to be influenced by XXXXXX in the XXXXX,” is placing a XXXXX XXX XX XXXXX in the group to XXXXXXXX harmony, XXX not be harmful. XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXX can XXXXX people XX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXXX situations. The XXXX XXXXX in XXXXXXXX this type of XXXXXXXX XX XX help educate people that XX XX conform, and we XXXX XX XXXX XXXX and examine XXX group prior to XXXXXXX. Social XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX that XXX XX controlling, XXXXXXXXX, XXX XXXXX understood. XXX XXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXX; it XXXXXXX upon XXX person (XXXXX, XXXX).
XXXXX, S. T. (XXXX-XX-21). Social Beings: XXXX XXXXXXX in XXXXXX Psychology, XXX Edition [VitalSource XXXXXXXXX version]. XXXXXXXXX XXXX XXX://XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Levine, J., (1999). Solomon XXXX’s XXXXXX XXX Group XXXXXXXX. Personality and Social XXXXXXXXXX Review; (XXXX). Vol X; No X; p 358-364